Tottori Sand Dunes are the one part of San'in Coast National Park, designated as national park in 1963, having diverse geomorphological and geological features.
Especially, Tottori Sand Dunes were also designated as a national natural treasure being evaluated as scientifically valuable, due to its undulation as a coastal dune, unique geographical features and plant communities peculiar to dunes, including wind ripples, Saren (stripe pattern on sand), sand poles, and round leaf chaste tree (vitex rotundifolia).
Tottori Sand Dunes are the masterpiece of nature created over thousands of years.
This great dunes measures 16 km from east to west, and 2 km from north to south. “The hill of sand,” carried by wind and Sendai River that flows from Chugoku Mountains, has been accumulating for 100,000 years, and thus the expansiveness fascinates 1.3 million people who visit annually.
There are many unique geographical features and tourist spots, and you can see their various expressions that change according to the seasons and the time of the day.
It’s just like a natural theme park.
When Spring comes, the Dunes start to show various expressions. Seasonal wind became calm and plants begin to come up from sand. Spring light and wind change whole of dunes brighter.
The time of sunrise or sunset is the best to see wind ripples. Since the sun light enters obliquely, the shadows clearly come out and the beauty is highlighted.
Summer dunes would touch your heart. These collaborate white sand, blue sky with white clouds, and deep blue of Japan Sea (the West coast of Japan). You can also enjoy Sand Dunes' Beach, having the long broad sand beach and clear water.
Coming of the night, Isaribi (fire for luring fish at night) begin to be lit across the sea and beautiful starry sky unfold before you eyes.
In Autumn, it is the most comfortable season. The sky is endlessly high, and the refreshing wind is touching your skin.
From the end of October to the beginning of November, some dunes turn red-purple. It is the flower of Rakkyo (Japanese scallion), which is the local speciality of Sand Dunes. Also, Japanese pear is the best season to harvest.
Oncoming of Winter, a cold seasonal wind and a snow cloud enfold the Dunes. White dunes covered with snow are one of the highlight of Winter in Tottori. Once snowing as powder, you would meet wind ripples of snow.
In December, sand dunes are full of bright illumination as celebrating Christmas coming. Sand and light collaborate amazingly. You would move your feeling by these splendid bright spectacle.
Of course, you would satisfy just walking on the Dunes, it has also other various activity that you could experience; camel riding, hang gliding, paragliding, sandbording, fat bike, and so on. These are given you the extraordinary and excitement. Moreover, you could also enjoy swimming around the Dunes. Sand Dunes Beach is the best spot to do it. Let's swim in the Japanese Sea which is the mother of this vast sandy land.